Cvs / Version Control

I'm just wondering if there is any way with a standard TCH account with cpanel and ftp access to implement version control software onto your website. I use CVS at work where we have ssh and total access to our development servers, but wondering if it's possible to do the same on a site hosted by TCH without all the various levels of access...<br /><br />Thanks<!--content-->
I would try to find software (possibly at that allows this to be done without shell access. A goodle search for "cvs scripts" or seaching at hotscripts brought up a few results tht may be useful for this.....<br /><br />that said - if this is not possible on tch (it would be on a dedicated server, since you can do what you want on those.. =) you could always utilize sorceforge for the cvs stuff. I completely understand wanting it all centralized though.<br /><br />Sorry that I don't have a better answer...<!--content-->