Customizing my page, really need help


New Member
really need help from experts:


I have 5 different modules and

1.Stock Watch
2.Travel Links
3.Relocation Links
5.External News

Please feel free to look the skeleton i made and i want to implement the code on that:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

i want to write the code in java script to achieve the goal of moving from panel1 to panel2 and from panel2 to panel1:

Let say:

if i click on -> should move on panel2
if i click on <- should move on panel1
if i click on ^ should move on up
if i click on v should move on down

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

ps. I should be able to move around UP & DOWN / RIGHT OR LEFT


I want to store the values for an example

where they move based on

"Stock Watch": is in position or value #5
Travel Links": is in position #4
"Relocation Links": is in position #3
"Weather": is in position #2
"External News": is in position #1

I hope its clear to understand

Based on this value or positions # numbers, i will store in the database to display in that fashion.

Thank you so much.