Customizing “about me” section of the jomsocial profile


New Member
Many of you may know how a jomsocial profile looks like, if not, here's the link:'m looking into customizing the "About Me" section in the profile. Found the relevant file profile.about.phpI notice that all the fields are called using the code below. For instance, Under the About Me section, I have fields like: name, about, skills, hobbies, language, location and other basic default fields. How should i proceed to add DIVs and classes in between these fields so i can custom design the About Me section? To make it look something like Of course, this design is to only show what i'm looking at by adding DIVs and class and not the exact same thing. i'm fairly good at html/css/jquery/php.\[code\]<li><h3 class="cField-Name reset-h"><?php echo JText::_( $item ); ?></h3><?php if( !empty($item) && is_array($item) ){ ?><div class="cField-Content"><?phpforeach($item as $linkKey=>$linkValue){$item = $linkKey;echo '<a href="'.$linkValue.'">'.CProfileLibrary::getFieldData( $item ).'</a><br />';}?></div><?php } else { ?><div class="cField-Content"><?php echo (!empty($item)) ? '<a href="'.$item.'"> '.CProfileLibrary::getFieldData( $item ).' </a>': CProfileLibrary::getFieldData( $item ) ?></div><?php } ?></li>\[/code\]Can anyone help? How should i add divs and css classes to the above code?