Custom Size "new window"


I am hoping to have a splash screen on my index.html page that will provide a link to the actual main page. My website was built to be viewed in a specific size window (h=475, w=635) And I'm not sure how to do this.<br />
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I assume it's something simple, like in the TARGET= part of the link, but I can't figure out how to do this in the link. <br />
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Daniel<!--content-->Do you want to use the method?<br />
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if so you can do something like that:<br />
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<a href="mainpage.html" onClick=",'main','width=635,height=475,locationbar=yes');return false">go to mainpage</a><!--content-->You made a typo with href ;):<br />
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... onclick=", ...<!--content-->Re: you made a typo<br />
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you're right, thx :cool:<!--content-->