Custom Order Upload for Virtuemart


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Many of Virtuemart developers want to let the shopper upload files or bind images directly into the product detail page, and upload different images into different products before add each products into cart, so we developed a new order upload plugin for Virtuemart 2.x.x and includes this plugin together with this upload package for you.



Plugin 1: Features of Virtuemart Oder Upload Custom Field plugin:

Bind images/files directly into each products at product detail page. No need to go check out page.

Use as a custom Virtuemart fields, so you can chose to allow which products is allow upload order, which products does not allow upload.

After upload files/ images, just add this product into your cart. So a shopper can upload different files/ images into different products and add all into cart and check out the same times.

Upload images/ files are manager inside Order Management of Virtuemart admin, and you know which uploaded files/images belongs to which products inside the same order/ same buyer.

No core hack into Virtuemart. It is a Virtuemar plugin and compatiple with latest Virtuemar verison.
Shopper does not have to login to upload files to order.

This new plugin is a standalone plugin with the current Order Upload Plugin for Joomla which bind the upload functions into order check out page. So when buy this packages, you will have 2 plugins which give you complete solutions for Order Upload function for Virtuemart. You can install which plugin you want to use ( not recomemend to install both of them on the same site as it not nessary).


Plugin 2: Virtuemart Oder Upload Joomla plugin

Font End:

Shopper can upload and bind files into their order at CHECK OUT step and the files is sent to admin/ owner of Virtuemart.

Upload multiple files at the same time with Ajax effect, no need to refresh the order pages Shopper can CANCEL the upload process any time, especially when there is problem during upload ( ex: file too heavy).

Shopper can chose to DELETE any files or delete All files uploaded at 1 clicks.

Images files will be automatically thumbnail created

All the Virtuemart payment and check out process is still the same, no changes except.

Shopper can add Comment into standard Virtuemart order comment

Back End:

Store Owner can download the files from each order management

Can configure the number of files to be uploaded

Can configure the maximize files size to be uploaded

Can chose which file extensions to be uploaded

The plugin is commercial and is compatible with Virtuemart 2.x.x and Joomla 2.x.x.

You do not have to do any HACKS to Virtuemart Core files to use this plugin. Just install like normal Joomla plugin

Product detail: Custom Order Upload