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I am trying to create a textbox that is horizontally resizable, draggable, and dynamically changes its height based on what is typed inside. Here is my code so farHTML:\[code\]<div id="text_container"> <div id="my_text" contenteditable="true"></div></div>\[/code\]CSS:\[code\]#text_container { border: #4A4A4A 2px solid; background: #EFEFEF; width: 150px; padding: 5px;}#my_text { width: 100%; border: #000 1px solid; background: #fff; font-size: 40px;}\[/code\]jQuery:\[code\]$('#text_container').resizable( { handles: 'e' } ).draggable();$('#my_text').keydown( function() { $('#text_container').css( { height: ($( this ).height() + 2) } );});$('#text_container').resize( function() { $('#text_container').css( { height: ($( '#my_text' ).height() + 2) } );});\[/code\]This makes the box change correctly with the horizontal resizing, but when I need to have it resize by skipping down a line, I have to type in one more character than I should have to. Using keypress gives the same results, and keyup doesn't resize until the key has been released, so if a person is holding down a key, it won't resize the div until the person releases the key, which doesn't seem optimal to me. Any thoughts on this?Here is a fiddle:http://jsfiddle.net/UA3QS/65/??