CSV > XML with modifications (XSLT?)


New Member
I've been searching the forums for an answer to my problem, without any luck. I'm hoping you can help me. I have a simple CSV file that I need to convert to XML (that part's easy), but I need to modify it so that it contains sub elements. Example:What I have:\[code\]<Unit> <UnitID>K000009107</UnitID> <DateLastModified>2003-06-23</DateLastModified> <Family>SAPOTACEAE</Family> <Genus>Pouteria</Genus> <Species>ferrugineo-tomentos</Species> <Identifier>Smith, J</Identifier> <StartMonth>05</StartMonth> <StartYear>1997</StartYear> <TypeStatus>Type</TypeStatus></Unit>\[/code\]What I need:\[code\]<Unit> <UnitID>K000009107</UnitID> <DateLastModified>2003-06-23</DateLastModified> <Identification StoredUnderName="true"> <Family>SAPOTACEAE</Family> <Genus>Pouteria</Genus> <Species>ferrugineo-tomentos</Species> <Identifier>Smith, J</Identifier> <IdentificationDate> <StartMonth>05</StartMonth> <StartYear>1997</StartYear> </IdentificationDate> <TypeStatus>Type</TypeStatus> </Identification></Unit>\[/code\]I will need to do this modification on a large dataset. I'm guessing that XSLT will do the job, but I can't figure out how this would work. Any ideas?