css2 clip property


Staff member
I have run into some trouble using clip in IE5, NS6<br />
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I can clip a block element if it is absolutely positioned, but clipping will not take place if it relatively positioned or positioning has not been set. I have set overflow: hidden.<br />
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According to CSS2:<br />
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11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property<br />
A clipping region defines what portion of an element's rendered content is visible. By default, the clipping region has the same size and shape as the element's box(es). However, the clipping region may be modified by the 'clip' property. <br />
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'clip' <br />
Value: <shape> | auto | inherit <br />
Initial: auto <br />
Applies to: block-level and replaced elements <br />
Inherited: no <br />
Percentages: N/A <br />
Media: visual <br />
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The 'clip' property applies to elements that have a 'overflow' property with a value other than 'visible'. <br />
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Does anyone have experiences with clipping block elements which are NOT absolutely positioned ?<!--content-->