css text not functioning


Alright, here is my body css:<br />
<br />
body {<br />
scrollbar-face-color: #DEDDC6;<br />
scrollbar-shadow-color: #666666;<br />
scrollbar-highlight-color: #FFFFFF;<br />
scrollbar-track-color: #CCCCCC;<br />
scrollbar-arrow-color: #AAAAAA;<br />
scrollbar-3dlight-color: #000000;<br />
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #000000;<br />
}<br />
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;<br />
color : #000000;<br />
font-size: 13px;<br />
font-weight: normal;<br />
}<br />
<br />
<br />
I want all the font on the page to default to what it says above, but it is not doing that. What is wrong with the above code?<!--content-->you have an extra } in there<br />
<br />
body { <br />
scrollbar-face-color: #DEDDC6; <br />
scrollbar-shadow-color: #666666; <br />
scrollbar-highlight-color: #FFFFFF; <br />
scrollbar-track-color: #CCCCCC; <br />
scrollbar-arrow-color: #AAAAAA; <br />
scrollbar-3dlight-color: #000000; <br />
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #000000; <br />
} <br />
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; <br />
color : #000000; <br />
font-size: 13px; <br />
font-weight: normal; <br />
}<!--content-->You've got an extra brace in there. Your code should be:<br />
body {<br />
scrollbar-face-color: #DEDDC6;<br />
scrollbar-shadow-color: #666666;<br />
scrollbar-highlight-color: #FFFFFF;<br />
scrollbar-track-color: #CCCCCC;<br />
scrollbar-arrow-color: #AAAAAA;<br />
scrollbar-3dlight-color: #000000;<br />
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #000000;<br />
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;<br />
color : #000000;<br />
font-size: 13px;<br />
font-weight: normal;<br />
}<br />
You can also combine the font stuff so that it looks like this:<br />
body {<br />
scrollbar-face-color: #DEDDC6;<br />
scrollbar-shadow-color: #666666;<br />
scrollbar-highlight-color: #FFFFFF;<br />
scrollbar-track-color: #CCCCCC;<br />
scrollbar-arrow-color: #AAAAAA;<br />
scrollbar-3dlight-color: #000000;<br />
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #000000;<br />
font: normal 13px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;<br />
color : #000000;<br />
}<!--content-->Ah, thanks guys...one of those momentary brain blips I guess.<br />
<br />
Another question, for some reason it is not formatting the size...the size is way too big. 13 is what i want, but just to check and see if it is calling the size, i typed in a size of 2px and it was still massive.<br />
<br />
Any ideas?<!--content-->i run across font sizing problems all the time. check the parent and child elements to see if there's some overriding going on somewhere, either in the HTML, or the CSS.<!--content-->First off, I love your site design. Now, back to me :D <br />
<br />
Here is the link: it has just been recoded by entimp and he got rid of probably a hundren lines of garbage code. Now, I put in the css, and all the css is working, but that 1. I double checked and didn't see anything that could be doing it!<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://mypcclinic.com/attachment.php">http://mypcclinic.com/attachment.php</a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
It is the text after: <span class=bold>A little information you will need while here on thesite:</span></p><!--content-->Originally posted by doublelfan <br />
First off, I love your site design. Now, back to me :D <br />
<br />
Here is the link: it has just been recoded by entimp and he got rid of probably a hundren lines of garbage code. Now, I put in the css, and all the css is working, but that 1. I double checked and didn't see anything that could be doing it!<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://mypcclinic.com/attachment.php">http://mypcclinic.com/attachment.php</a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
It is the text after: <span class=bold>A little information you will need while here on thesite:</span></p> whose site? anyway, i got a 404 on that link.<!--content-->My site, and sorry it's an html page not php! =)<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://mypcclinic.com/attachment.html">http://mypcclinic.com/attachment.html</a><!-- m --><!--content-->that's odd. it looks like 13px in both Mozilla FB 0.6.1 and IE6 (Win98), and i pasted all that code into a text editor and changed it to 5px, and it looked like 5px, whereas 13px still looked like 13px. don't know what the problem could possibly be. try dumping your cache. force-refresh (hold down your CONTROL key and press F5).<!--content-->That is very odd.<br />
<br />
I cleared cache in mozilla, and refreshed...same thing. And the odd thing is I can open a new tab and display my home page (mypcclinic.com) and it looks right--and the css is taken from the same file.<!--content-->The only difference is in the old design, I forced a style=text<br />
<br />
.text {<br />
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;<br />
color : #000000;<br />
font-size: 13px;<br />
font-weight: normal;<br />
}<br />
<br />
but now I have it in the body tag.<!--content-->Originally posted by doublelfan <br />
That is very odd.<br />
<br />
I cleared cache in mozilla, and refreshed...same thing. And the odd thing is I can open a new tab and display my home page (mypcclinic.com) and it looks right--and the css is taken from the same file. whoa, that's crazy! makes no sense to me. there's got to be a reason or explanation for it though.<!--content-->whoa, trans, that is one crazy new avatar :eek: :eek:<!--content-->that's odd. it looks like 13px in both Mozilla FB 0.6.1 and IE6 (Win98), and i pasted all that code into a text editor and changed it to 5px, and it looked like 5px, whereas 13px still looked like 13px<br />
what else did you expect? you changed it to 13 and it looked 13, you changed it to 5 and it looked like 5.<br />
<br />
am I the only one that sees it?<br />
<br />
for one you can't use .bold as it may be a reserved word. never name something that could be a tag of some kind or a parameter.<br />
<br />
so let me get this straight. you make the font 13px and you wonder why it is that big????? for one 13 is pretty big. also Verdana is pretty big to begin with. but I try changing the size and it happend to me as well. also what is this<br />
<br />
a.Menu:visited:hover<br />
<br />
last time I checked there is no such thing.<br />
<br />
the main thing is that you don't have a doctype at the very top. you must have this to work properly.<br />
<br />
actually the problem is the table it is in. for some reason it is making the text big so it means that it is getting some style for a unkknown source.<br />
<br />
not much to do except take it out of that table.<!--content-->Originally posted by scoutt <br />
what else did you expect? you changed it to 13 and it looked 13, you changed it to 5 and it looked like 5.<br />
i assumed i would run into the same problem, and i didn't. so that's what i expected - either a problem, or no problem.<br />
Originally posted by scoutt <br />
a.Menu:visited:hover<br />
<br />
last time I checked there is no such thing.it's not the most valid code in the universe, but it does work in Mozilla. as far as i'm concerned, it should be supported, because otherwise, there's no way to differentiate a visited link's hover state from the hover state of a non-visited link. i know, there's not much value in it, but wth? why not? anyway, it works in some validators, and doesn't it others. same with browsers.<!--content-->Originally posted by hockyfan641 <br />
whoa, trans, that is one crazy new avatar :eek: :eek: haha, thanks. here's a closeup (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.meat-thing.com/transmothra.com/content/samplework/images/EPcovermp3a.jpg">http://www.meat-thing.com/transmothra.c ... ermp3a.jpg</a><!-- m -->).<!--content-->look at it again Trans<br />
<br />
a.Menu:visited:hover<br />
<br />
should be<br />
<br />
a.Menu:visited<br />
<br />
a.Menu:hover<br />
<br />
not all one, if you wanted to do that it should be<br />
<br />
a.Menu:visited hover<!--content-->Originally posted by scoutt <br />
look at it again Trans<br />
<br />
a.Menu:visited:hover<br />
<br />
should be<br />
<br />
a.Menu:visited<br />
<br />
a.Menu:hover<br />
<br />
not all one, if you wanted to do that it should be<br />
<br />
a.Menu:visited hover that's what i mean, it's a separate hover state for visited links, as opposed to fresh links.<br />
<br />
a:visited hover would just make visited and hover appear the same. right?<!--content-->I don't think it works that way. if it does then I have never seen them like that. you have to have them seperate.<!--content-->