css stuff


I need help.<br />
I need to figure out how to make a page that acts like frames, but when you scroll, the entire page moves.<br />
the problem i'm having right now is that my left frame, when i expand it, is too long to view without a scroll bar, but i DO NOT want a scroll bar.<br />
Help please.<!--content-->What do you mean that you don't want the left side to scroll down? You can use a noscroll, but then your content would be chopped off, the only real way around it, it to reduce the ammount of contnet in that frame.<br />
<br />
Also, what do you mean by "act like frames"? If the whole page scrolls with one bar, it is not acting like frames. Did you mean to say "look like frames"? If so, you can just use graphics to make it look like it is in frames.<!--content-->Are you after a frame (or more frames) in your page where you can load other pages, but you dont like the static look of regular frames ?<br />
affirmatively, try I frames.<br />
<br />
<IFRAME SRC='http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/SOMEPAGE.HTML' NAME='FRAMENAME' BORDER="2" HEIGHT=300 WIDTH=300></IFRAME><br />
<br />
<A HREF=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"NEWPAGE.HTML" TARGET="FRAMENAME">LOAD PAGE</A><br />
<br />
(It will work in MSIE4 & 5 and NETSCAPE 6.0)<br />
Kenneth<!--content-->well. what i want is a left "frame" so to speak, that i can click on a link and have it appear in the right "frame" but when i expand the tree on the left frame, i can just scroll the entire page down and see the rest of the tree....<br />
make any sense?.... is that more of a javascript thing.... or css.... or what....<!--content-->kdjoergensen<br />
<br />
do i need to paste that code into the index page?<!--content-->jason... i'm just not able to reduce the content at all... i've made it into expandable menus and sub-menus.... but it still gets chopped off when i expand it.<!--content-->I've seen some java scripts that allow you to scroll without having a scroll bar, But I don't have a link to any such JAVA script available. Search the JAVA script websites and see if you can locate one.<br />
<br />
Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->i'll check that out, but i'm not real good with the javascript right now....<br />
tell me something.....<br />
here at the cnn site,( <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.cnn.com/">http://www.cnn.com/</a><!-- m --> ) it seems like they're doing what i want to do.... the left side stays the same while the right side changes, and you can scroll the entire page....<!--content-->Hi, I didn't see anything like what you were talking about at cnn, and I looked at thier HUGE source code, but never saw anything:(. However, on a better note, I do have such a script for scrolling frames, I used and modified it years ago for a page I was working on and can scroll 3 frames left to right and vertically.<br />
You just tell me how many frames you have and post your url and I'll modify it to suit your site and let you know the changes you need to make to your site. :) cool huh<!--content-->CNN uses tables on the left for navigation, can you be confusing this for a frameset?<!--content-->Take a look at a site I did a few yrs ago (when I was a partner in the firm) -- its located at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.i-81.net">http://www.i-81.net</a><!-- m -->. Go past the cheap splash page and then you'll see 'my' technique for creating your own scroll controls within a framed environment. <br />
<br />
Good luck and hope this helps<!--content-->Ian,<br />
here's the site i'm working on....<br />
if you could help me, that'd be great.....<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.vsiwichita.com/">http://www.vsiwichita.com/</a><!-- m --><!--content-->marlboro<br />
oh my god, how did you do that?!...<br />
that is so cool.....<!--content-->hey<br />
<br />
mofromofro have you got it sorted yet or not .. let me know cos ive got wot you want<br />
<br />
DaFunk<!--content-->ok, listen very carefully, I shall say this only once :D<br />
<br />
FIRST: You need to change your frameset to:<br />
<br />
<frameset cols="20%,80%" border="0" frameborder="0" framespacing="0"><br />
<frame src=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"FRLEFT.HTM" name="left" marginwidth="1" marginheight="1" target="rtop" scrolling="no"><br />
<frame src=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"FRRTOP.HTM" name="rtop" marginwidth="1" marginheight="1" target="rbottom" scrolling="auto"><br />
<br />
SECOND: Your left frame page must be inside layers for NS.<br />
<br />
<body leftmargin="7" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#000080" vlink="#000080" alink="#000080" background="images/vsibkgrd.jpg"><br />
<layer><div align="center"><center><br />
~<br />
~<br />
~<br />
....link, edit the link's properties." --></p><br />
</layer><br />
</body><br />
<br />
NOTE: This must be done with ALL left frame pages (if you intend to have different ones)<br />
<br />
THIRD: This script MUST be in EVERY main frame page in order for it to work for each page.<br />
<br />
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2"><br />
<br />
var ie4 = false;<br />
var ns4 = false;<br />
<br />
if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4)<br />
if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer')<br />
ie4 = true;<br />
else if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape')<br />
ns4 = true;<br />
<br />
if (ie4) {<br />
onscroll = synchScroll;<br />
onresize = synchScroll;<br />
}<br />
if (ns4) setInterval("synchScroll()", 15);<br />
<br />
function synchScroll() {<br />
if (ie4) {<br />
parent.frames.left.document.body.scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop;<br />
parent.frames.left.document.body.scrollLeft = document.body.scrollLeft;<br />
}<br />
else if (ns4) {<br />
if (parent.frames.left.scrollbars.visible) {<br />
parent.frames.left.scrollTo(parent.frames.left.pageXOffset, pageYOffset);<br />
<br />
}<br />
else {<br />
parent.frames.left.document.layers[0].top = -pageYOffset;<br />
parent.frames.left.document.layers[0].left = -pageXOffset;<br />
}<br />
}<br />
}<br />
<br />
</script><br />
<br />
NOTE: This will work for IE4+ and NS4+ browsers and up, if you run into any problems it will most likely be due to your left frame name called "left" ( may cause conflict in script).<br />
<br />
Try it out and let me know how it goes. To view a very crude example to see how it works, visit here:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.a1javascripts.com/hold/indexframes2.html">http://www.a1javascripts.com/hold/indexframes2.html</a><!-- m --><br />
NOTE: There will not be a bottom scroll bar on your page, this example is just to show it can move vertically and left to right if required.<br />
<br />
Good luck and I hope this works.<!--content-->Ian, that is awesome!!.....<br />
I put it all in, and it works! I haven't tested it in netscape yet. Can I put the javascript in a different page, and link to it? Will it still work that way?....<br />
Thank you so much!!....<!--content-->Hi, glad it's what you were after. It will work fine in NS, it may tend to "float" a little due to your content being inside layers, but will still be good. Providing you have the script in your main frame ( on what ever page is there) and the left side in layers it will work for you. Hmm, I'm not sure what you mean by another page though and link to it, if you mean could it be put in a .js file and linked to it, yes you could, but as stated, the script must be read and loaded on every page somehow, how you do it is up to you. Please explain if you ment something else. Post your url when you have it sorted, I am interested in seeing it in action, it is one that is not used a lot, but sure has its uses.<!--content-->DaFunk,<br />
Enlighten me, please.......<!--content-->