CSS Re-direct from a Form entry


Basically, the Survey has a form entry called: Pin #
Person enters a #: 112233

upon SUBMIT, redirect would open the new page of:
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.yourwebsite.com/">www.yourwebsite.com/</a><!-- w --> [Pin # data] .htm

Heres how it works in Java:
function OpenSpecialWindow {
window.open('http://www.yourwebsite.com/' + frmSurvey.txtPIN.value,'frmNewWindow','width=550,height=600,resizable')

how do I do this in css in a formmail.pl script?Originally posted by mrbunny666
Basically, the Survey has a form entry called: Pin #
Person enters a #: 112233

upon SUBMIT, redirect would open the new page of:
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.yourwebsite.com/">www.yourwebsite.com/</a><!-- w --> [Pin # data] .htm

Heres how it works in Java:
function OpenSpecialWindow {
window.open('http://www.yourwebsite.com/' + frmSurvey.txtPIN.value,'frmNewWindow','width=550,height=600,resizable')

how do I do this in css in a formmail.pl script?
You can't using CSS only. JavaScript is the only way to do what you want. Cascading Style Sheets merely add style to markup documents, hence Cascading Style Sheets. :)