CSS postioning problems


Hi all, I have an image placed in a certin spot, and using a mac to view it, it is in the right spot, but usings Windozz the image is not in the right place.

Here is the link (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://test.slweb.co.nz/haynes/">http://test.slweb.co.nz/haynes/</a><!-- m -->).

I want the kiwi image to site half on the main table and half into the header is there a way to set it in all screen resolutions and op systems?


SheldonI've seen folks use negative margins on images to do that sort of thing. BTW, I noticed Fx was running in quirks mode on that page so I checked it with w3c validator. It doesn't like your doctype for starters.