css odd in NS7


hi guys.<br />
i made a css for my page but it looks odd in NS7. on my menu page i havea link to my trucks page and it supposed to be right across from the "home" link. looks fine in IE5.5 and OPERA7, but in NS7 its lower than the other link.<br />
any suggestions?<!--content-->Just show us some skin or give us the link ;)<!--content-->http://www.mwg.mw-gaming.com/legwon/<br />
<br />
there on the left side.<br />
<br />
cssBODY {<br />
color: White;<br />
background: black url(<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.mwg.mw-gaming.com/Legwon/backgrounds/zigzag.jpg">http://www.mwg.mw-gaming.com/Legwon/bac ... zigzag.jpg</a><!-- m -->) repeat fixed;<br />
font-size: medium;<br />
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;<br />
vertical-align : middle;<br />
text-align : center;<br />
}<br />
H1 {<br />
font-size : xx-large;<br />
color : Red;<br />
font-weight: bold;<br />
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;<br />
background : transparent;<br />
}<br />
H2 {<br />
color : Yellow;<br />
font-size: medium;<br />
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;<br />
background : transparent;<br />
}<br />
H3 {<br />
color : White;<br />
font-size: large;<br />
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;<br />
background : transparent;<br />
}<br />
H4 {<br />
color : White;<br />
font-size: medium;<br />
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;<br />
font-weight : bolder;<br />
background : transparent;<br />
}<br />
H5 {<br />
color : White;<br />
font-size: medium;<br />
text-decoration : none;<br />
position : absolute;<br />
left : 10px;<br />
top : 91px;<br />
background : transparent;<br />
}<br />
a:link {<br />
color: White;<br />
background-color:transparent<br />
}<br />
a:visited {<br />
color: aqua;<br />
background-color:transparent<br />
}<br />
a:active {<br />
color: White;<br />
background-color : transparent<br />
}<br />
a:hover {<br />
color: Red;<br />
background-color: transparent<br />
}<br />
div.c2 {<br />
text-align: center<br />
}<br />
table.c1 {<br />
text-align: center<br />
}<br />
H6 {<br />
position : absolute;<br />
color : White;<br />
font-size: medium;<br />
text-decoration : none;<br />
right : 15px;<br />
top : 91px;<br />
background : transparent;<br />
}<!--content-->Hmm that's a tough one, I can't see what it is right away... But are you sure this is the best way to accomplish that? There are other ways to make the links appear like that, using H# and CSS is pretty far-fetched.. And since you define the frames' sizes in percent, the links may overlap.. They did here at least. I think you'd be much better off using a table, div, or even just a few spaces after 'Home'!<br />
<br />
By the way, that JavaScript keeps asking me for my name, although I press cancel several times... And now it came up again.. If I say no the first time, it's kinda rude to be asked again and again.<br />
<br />
Here's the link to the page where the menu is, so you other guys don't have to dig like I did:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.mwg.mw-gaming.com/legwon/menu.htm">http://www.mwg.mw-gaming.com/legwon/menu.htm</a><!-- m --><!--content-->the script is ment to just press ok or fill in your name.it has an alternate name in there for the ones that dont want to input anything. and its cookied so it should be the last time you do it unless u have cookies off or delete them.<!--content-->hey is that website for creating games? its really cool! sryu no answer to your question, i have IE<!--content-->its parts for making trucks or cars for the game "MTM 2", Monster Truck Madness 2. you can also build tracks but i dont host those parts.<br />
<br />
sryu no answer to your question, i have IE <br />
ya, like i said it looks fine in IE<!--content-->Well I give up on trying to do it your way with the CSS and so on... It just won't display right in NS7, I've tried numerous combinations of positions and DIVs and H6 and all. I suggest you solve it in some other way.. I mean, it's not a good position for the link anyway, it will just overlap with 'Home'... Just put it beneath 'Home' for crying out loud! :P<!--content-->wow, you could do what you want so much easier than that. i agree, take another tack on it. as far as i can tell, it is supposed to look more or less like it does, according to how you've got your CSS.<br />
<br />
if you're absolutely set on doing it that way, though, try aligning H6 to the left instead of to the right.<!--content-->Make sure you check the code using: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator-uri.html">http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator-uri.html</a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
Remember, also, that CSS is case sensitive so .h6 and .H6 are different.<!--content-->Originally posted by giz <br />
Remember, also, that CSS is case sensitive so .h6 and .H6 are different. what??!<!--content-->Originally posted by transmothra <br />
what??! <br />
thats what i said.<br />
<br />
but either way i got it figured out. :D <br />
thx guys<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.mwg.mw-gaming.com/legwon/">http://www.mwg.mw-gaming.com/legwon/</a><!-- m --><br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.mwg.mw-gaming.com/legwon/menu.htm">http://www.mwg.mw-gaming.com/legwon/menu.htm</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Div.truck {<br />
position : absolute;<br />
color : White;<br />
font-size: 15px;<br />
text-decoration : none;<br />
right : 15px;<br />
top : 91px;<br />
background : transparent;<br />
}<br />
<br />
that is on your left hand side for css and what the "MY Trucks" is set to. but it is not in your css you showed here. so, YES css is case sensitive only to NS6&7, IE doesn't care.<!--content-->