css Netscape Issues


Hi I use this fir textfields and dropdown menus:<br />
<br />
.TextField <br />
{background-color: #F7F7F7;<br />
border: #7F9DB9 1px solid;<br />
font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial;<br />
font-size: 8pt;<br />
color: black} <br />
<br />
This is fine with IE5+ but not Netscape 4. Is there any more compatible code, especially for a dropdown menu.<br />
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~Thanks<!--content-->Netscape 4.x recognizes very little CSS and what it does recognize, it usually screws up. My advice? Forget NS 4.x. Check to make sure it is usable in that browser, but don't worry too much about the pretty colors and whatnot.<br />
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I did a quick search on Google and numerous web sites state that NS 4.x does not support changing the color of drop down menus.<!--content-->Thanks for your help! Thats great I think I'll leave it out.<!--content-->