CSS: make absolute nested DIV align left


New Member
I have a dropdown with content. I'm trying to make the content align at 0px at the left of the screen. No matter what I try, it still remains aligned within its parent container.Since the dropdowns are centred in the browser, I'm having difficulty getting it work go where I want.http://jsfiddle.net/XkuHy/2/\[code\]<div id="sticky"> <div id="nav"> <div class="logo">logo</div> <span class="n list">browse</span> <span class="n list">search</span> <div class="n drop"> <span>My Account</span> <div> hello, world! </div> </div> </div>\[/code\]NOTE: CSS is not my strong suit.NOTE 2: StackOverflow kept banging on about needed code and not just a link to jsFiddle - not sure why so ignore the code dumped as you can see it in the fiddle.