I have a site that uses CSS to create drop-down menus for the navigation. You can see it at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.douglas-county.com/scriptlibrary/stylesheet.css">http://www.douglas-county.com/scriptlib ... esheet.css</a><!-- m -->.
And all of my webpages reference this stylesheet through a link located on a server-side include, which you can see at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.douglas-county.com/index.asp">http://www.douglas-county.com/index.asp</a><!-- m -->.
My problem lies in the <div> tags for the CSS lists. All 6 set of drop-downs use <div id="nav1"> from the stylesheet, which works great, but I know that it's not the proper way to do that. So I need advice on a valid way of doing the same thing. I've already tried class="nav1", and <div id="nav1">...<div id="nav2">...and so on. Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks.You should be able to change all the <div id="nav1"> tags to <div class="nav"> and change all the references to '#nav1' in your CSS to '.nav'.Hi BonRouge,
Thanks for the quick response...it worked great, once I tweaked my stylesheet a bit more.
I kind of find it frustrating to work with CSS at times, but it's so great when you do get it to work. Of course, that's my fault...not the technology. I appreciate you help.are you using an asp include for the menu structure?? just curious... if you can tell from my thread i'm having some issues of my own... sheeshDo you actually look like the man on your icon? If so, lets talk
Anyway, I did use two SSI's include those sections of code within one page, but I have to go right now. Tomorrow morning I'll include the details of how I set my pages up in a post through this thread if you'd like. Talk to you then...Ok, sorry about the wait. But I wanted to let you know how I chose to set our current site up with the use of CSS and SSI's.
First, there are two source .ssi docs. The first contains the following info:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="keywords" content="KEYWORDS FOR OUR ENTIRE SITE">
<meta name="description" content= "DESCRIPTION FOR OUR ENTIRE SITE">
<link rel="stylesheet" href=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"stylesheets/css/stylesheet.css" />
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"/scriptlibrary/window_open.js"></script>
This first document stores the main stylesheet for the entire site, which I've included in a previous post in this thread.
The second .ssi doc can be found at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.douglas-county.com/topborder2.ssi">http://www.douglas-county.com/topborder2.ssi</a><!-- m --> (including CSS navigation) by viewing the source code. It's too long to include in this post. This document uses standard list properties to create CSS drop-down menus.
Then all pages on the site pull the first SSI into the <head> of the doc, and the second SSI into the <body> of the doc, like this:
<!--#include virtual="firstdoc.ssi" -->
<!--#include virtual="seconddoc.ssi" -->
I hope that this helps and that I was thorough, but not overly thorough. Good luck with your site(s), and if you have any questions, this forum is a GREAT resource for you and many others.
And all of my webpages reference this stylesheet through a link located on a server-side include, which you can see at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.douglas-county.com/index.asp">http://www.douglas-county.com/index.asp</a><!-- m -->.
My problem lies in the <div> tags for the CSS lists. All 6 set of drop-downs use <div id="nav1"> from the stylesheet, which works great, but I know that it's not the proper way to do that. So I need advice on a valid way of doing the same thing. I've already tried class="nav1", and <div id="nav1">...<div id="nav2">...and so on. Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks.You should be able to change all the <div id="nav1"> tags to <div class="nav"> and change all the references to '#nav1' in your CSS to '.nav'.Hi BonRouge,
Thanks for the quick response...it worked great, once I tweaked my stylesheet a bit more.
I kind of find it frustrating to work with CSS at times, but it's so great when you do get it to work. Of course, that's my fault...not the technology. I appreciate you help.are you using an asp include for the menu structure?? just curious... if you can tell from my thread i'm having some issues of my own... sheeshDo you actually look like the man on your icon? If so, lets talk

Anyway, I did use two SSI's include those sections of code within one page, but I have to go right now. Tomorrow morning I'll include the details of how I set my pages up in a post through this thread if you'd like. Talk to you then...Ok, sorry about the wait. But I wanted to let you know how I chose to set our current site up with the use of CSS and SSI's.
First, there are two source .ssi docs. The first contains the following info:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="keywords" content="KEYWORDS FOR OUR ENTIRE SITE">
<meta name="description" content= "DESCRIPTION FOR OUR ENTIRE SITE">
<link rel="stylesheet" href=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"stylesheets/css/stylesheet.css" />
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"/scriptlibrary/window_open.js"></script>
This first document stores the main stylesheet for the entire site, which I've included in a previous post in this thread.
The second .ssi doc can be found at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.douglas-county.com/topborder2.ssi">http://www.douglas-county.com/topborder2.ssi</a><!-- m --> (including CSS navigation) by viewing the source code. It's too long to include in this post. This document uses standard list properties to create CSS drop-down menus.
Then all pages on the site pull the first SSI into the <head> of the doc, and the second SSI into the <body> of the doc, like this:
<!--#include virtual="firstdoc.ssi" -->
<!--#include virtual="seconddoc.ssi" -->
I hope that this helps and that I was thorough, but not overly thorough. Good luck with your site(s), and if you have any questions, this forum is a GREAT resource for you and many others.