I'm attempting to style a button with CSS. Here is the HTML code for the button:\[code\]<button class='custombtn' name="doLogin" type="submit" id="doLogin3" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12764219/Login">Login</button>\[/code\]Here is the CSS code.\[code\].custombtn { width:163px; height:43px; background-image:url('images/normal.png'); background-color:#d3d3d3;}.custombtn:hover { background-image:url('images/hover.png');}.custombtn:active { background-image:url('images/click.png');}\[/code\]I thought everything was fine & dandy, until I viewed the results. Instead of something like this with text on it:
It looks like this:
I've been reading fixes for these online for around an hour and a half, however none of them have worked. I know it's possible to style it to look like this, I just need to find a way.normal.png