CSS: IE not honoring height and width of image tags


New Member
This question is related to a previous question of mine here:Bootstrap/KnockoutJS: img tag not honoring its height attributeThe issue really was nothing to do with Bootstrap/Knockout, but all to do with IE. I solved the problem by using a CSS style to set the element. Well, now I have an interesting one..Basically, I have an editor (TinyMCE) that lets users design a div (in this case, a metro tile).. and the image height and width they set there is not reflected in IE. FF and Chrome look fine. I could set it so all tile images have the same max width and max height by a CSS style again, but that is not really a good option for me.. because different users will want to set different dimensions and they would be asking why the width and height of their images is ignored and overridden by the css style.What can I do in this situation? Telling everyone to not use IE is not an option. :D