CSS hidden text illegal for Search Engines?


New Member
Here are basic example boxes, CSS and JS I created for jQuery Modal Box.\[code\]<!-- hidden boxes // --><div id="content_1" class="box"> <h1>First Box</h1> <p>Content goes here...</p></div><div id="content_2" class="box"> <h1>Second Box</h1> <p>Content goes here...</p></div>.....<!-- links for boxes // --><a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15731655/#content_1" class="link">Show First Box</a><a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15731655/#content_2" class="link">Show Second Box</a><!-- css // --><style>.box { display: none;}</style><!-- javascript // --><script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready( function() { $('.link').click( function() { // process modal });});</script>\[/code\]So when User click on First/Second Box link, the jQuery modal popup with content. My Purpose is not to hide the text. I heard and read in some blogs, Google will take action with hidden text. Is my way illegal/bad for SEO? OR are there better way to do this without \[code\]display:none\[/code\]?