I'm really struggling with CSS, but I was wondering if I send someone who is really talented in CSS if they can position everything properly for me if I send header, buttons, navigation etc, is there anyone up for this? It will help me learn because I will be reading the code to see how it works
ThanksHere, try this CSS layout Generator and then pick apart the code.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.csscreator.com/version2/pagelayout.phpThanks">http://www.csscreator.com/version2/pagelayout.phpThanks</a><!-- m -->, helping me alot!!!
Great! Glad to help!
Also, there is a good book out by Dan Cederholm called "Web Standards Solutions" that's a good read. His site "simplebits.com" has some nice pointers in it as well. Oh and CSS Zen Garden is a site worth picking through as well.Here are a couple of other handy "raw material" sites.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.inknoise.com/experimental/layoutomatic.php">http://www.inknoise.com/experimental/layoutomatic.php</a><!-- m -->
List-o-matic - generate CSS-styled navigation based on list items <li>
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.accessify.com/tools-and-wizards/list-o-matic/list-o-matic.asp">http://www.accessify.com/tools-and-wiza ... -matic.asp</a><!-- m -->
ThanksHere, try this CSS layout Generator and then pick apart the code.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.csscreator.com/version2/pagelayout.phpThanks">http://www.csscreator.com/version2/pagelayout.phpThanks</a><!-- m -->, helping me alot!!!

Also, there is a good book out by Dan Cederholm called "Web Standards Solutions" that's a good read. His site "simplebits.com" has some nice pointers in it as well. Oh and CSS Zen Garden is a site worth picking through as well.Here are a couple of other handy "raw material" sites.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.inknoise.com/experimental/layoutomatic.php">http://www.inknoise.com/experimental/layoutomatic.php</a><!-- m -->
List-o-matic - generate CSS-styled navigation based on list items <li>
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.accessify.com/tools-and-wizards/list-o-matic/list-o-matic.asp">http://www.accessify.com/tools-and-wiza ... -matic.asp</a><!-- m -->