CSS help needed!!!


Staff member
I am having a problem with a hover in my CSS file. It works for some text and dose mot work for others ? ?
Here is my CSS code.
Thanks James

BODY, TD, TH, A, P,H1,H2,H3{
font-family : "Helvetica", "Arial", "MS Sans Serif", sans-serif;font-size : 8.5pt;

//recognises this code and makes the text white !

.jmenu, .clsNode:visited{
cursor: hand;
color: white;
font-weight : bold;
font-size : 8.5pt;
text-decoration : none;

//dose not recognise this code an dose not make the text yellow when I hover over it ? ?

cursor: hand;
color: yellow;
font-weight : bold;
font-size : 8.5pt;
text-decoration : underline;
//recognises this code

.clsNode, .clsNode:visited{
color: white;
font-weight : bold;;
font-size : 8.5pt;
text-decoration : none;

//recognises this code

color: yellow;
font-weight : bold;;
font-size : 8.5pt;
text-decoration : underline;