CSS Frames?


Is it possible to create a div and refer to a URL which would be displayed inside of that div? (Like an iFrame)

I could have sworn I had seen this method used on a major website. Was I hallucinating or is this, in fact, possible?It would be sort of possible with server-side scripting. The server side script would pull the content from the remote page and plonk it into your div. It could be pretty tricky, though, considering you'd probably have to alter the code you pulled, like images with src=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"image.gif" would have to become src="http://remotesite.com/image.gif"If you have control of the external page then you can do this with Javascript and a hidden iframe used as a transfer buffer. This is a technique Netscape called Inner Browsing.If your website host supports it, you can do this with SSI.
<!--#include virtual="urlOfPageToBeIncluded"-->
</div>With php, it's not so hard to do it. Of course, like HaganeNoKokoro said, you have to give the whole url to everything. Not only images, but also css... But still, it's worth it !