The solution must be very easy but somehow I do not find it.....My website is set to a responsive layout with maximum width of 960px (or lower).QUESTION 1:How can I float the (vertical banner) werbe-wrapper-element LEFT, so it is shown right next to the header-wrapper and content-wrapper on the RIGHT HAND SIDE? Right now, the werbe-wrapper-element is only floated up to top of content wrapper, but still below the header wrapper. See the live example here.QUESTION 2:How can I maintain the element position in case different screen widths / resolutions? What currently happens is, that the werbe-element is not floating anymore when lowering down the screen width/resolution. Instead, the element is then shown below the content-wrapper.INDEX.PHP structure:\[code\]<div class="gesamt-wrapper"> <div class="header-wrapper"></div> <div class="hilfs-wrapper"> <div class="content-wrapper"></div> </div> <div class="werbe-wrapper"></div></div><div class="footer-wrapper"></div>\[/code\]CSS-Code:\[code\].gesamt-wrapper {overflow: hidden;}/* Hilfs-Wrapper */.hilfs-wrapper {position: relative;margin: 0 auto;}/* Content-Wrapper */.content-wrapper {float: left;}/* Werbe-Wrapper */.werbe-wrapper {position: relative;float: left;max-width: 150px;z-index: 2;}\[/code\]