CSS float. Is it possible to break flow?


New Member
On my html page I have this situation:\[code\]<div1><div2><div3><div4><div5><div6><div7><div8><div9\[/code\]>...Just left floating divs shown one after another. All of them have CSS style float:leftI would like to achieve this result:\[code\]<div1><div2><div3><div4><div5><div6><div7><div8><div9>...\[/code\]Basically, I would like to break flow on div3 and div8 (or on any div I wish) by telling it to start in new line. All other elements should follow after div that goes into new line. I tried using clear:left or clear:left on div3 or div8 , but it didn't work. Div would go to new line, but all others would remain where they were, producing undesired result: \[code\]<div1><div2><div4><div5><div6><div7><div9><div3><div8>...\[/code\]Is there any nice and simple solution here? Thanks.