New Member
I have a layout build by chopping and changing several themes together. On that layout there is a shadow behind all the content which is triggered with this CSS:\[code\]body {-webkit-box-shadow:0px 5px 10px #1c1c1c;-moz-box-shadow:0px 5px 10px #1c1c1c;box-shadow:0px 5px 10px #1c1c1c;}\[/code\]So now i am rebuilding the theme myself so i can structure the div's and the css the way I want it. The original design had a header which just had its text aligned to the right. For the rebuild i made a 3 column layout for the header so i can add a photo to the left side and some content in the center.Im not able to use the above shadow code in my new layout. It doesn't drop a shadow around the content for me. Instead if i take the below code and drop it into each Div ID's CSS for each of the 3 columns it will drop a shadow... however the shadow spills over into the second column and into the third column\[code\]-webkit-box-shadow:0px 5px 10px #1c1c1c;-moz-box-shadow:0px 5px 10px #1c1c1c;box-shadow:0px 5px 10px #1c1c1c;\[/code\]Now im not great with HTML & CSS but im trying my best. I tried to put the 3 cols into a DIV and drop the shadow onto that div but it still didn't work. I tried butting the cols into where the * symbols are in the code below\[code\] <div id="blah">**************</div>\[/code\]Anyone any suggestions on what im missing?