This is my code:\[code\].divUserRepCont{ position: absolute; top: 0; left: 105px; width: 195px; height: 25px; }.divUserContCon{ width: auto; height: 100%; background-color: red;}.divUserCon{ width: 50px; height: 20px;}\[/code\]HTML:\[code\]<div class="divUserRepCont"> <div class="divUserContCon"> <div class="divUserCon"> </div> </div></div>\[/code\]I am expecting a red bar of width 50px, but instead the auto width "divUserContCon" is filling up the entire 195px of it's parent div. Why is this?EDIT:The purpose of divUserContCon having an auto width is because of this:divUserCon's size will be changing dynamically, and it will have a background colour itself.divUserContCon, will be the container for divUserCon, which itself will have a background colour AND padding.So if divUserCon is 50px wide, with a green background, divUserContCon will be 50px wide (auto) + some padding and it's background colour.