I would like to create a 3 column list with an ordered list using css?[*]Apples[*]Oranges[*]LemonsRight now it is showing an unordered list even though the code is showing ordered.Example: 1. Apples would be the first column and Oranges would be the second column instead of Apples in the first column and Oranges in the first below it.\[code\]<style> ol{margin-bottom:20px; overflow:hidden; width:600px;}li{display:inline; float:left; line-height:1px;}#two li {width:50%;}#three li {width:33.333%;}#four li {width:25%;}#six li {width:16.666%;}</style><code><ol id="3"><li> <div class="fruit"> apples oranges lemons etc.. </div></li></ol> </code>\[/code\]