CSS book suggestion please.


Can anyone who is au-fait with CSS please suggest a decent referance and tutorial book for CSS please. I am biteing off more than I can chew in terms of page layout. <br />
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My mom always said I should bite off more than I can chew though... Possible because my mouth is bigger than I think it is.<br />
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Anyway... Have done a little search on the web for a starter and have some good pages. However, if anyone swears by a certain site for tutorials etc please would you let me know.<br />
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Thanks in advance of any suggestions.<br />
And come on England, (3-1 prediction for England over Brazil)<br />
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Ronaldo :bash: Rio Ferdinand = :cheers: Friday Evening!<!--content-->http://www.brainjar.com/<br />
thats the site form which i picked up most of my css skills.<br />
i did a brief skiming of the tutorials, and looked at the css stuff in the examples.<br />
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Note: lots of good css stuff in the menu bar tutorial, and looking at the sites source and css sheet also helped me see how css works alot.<!--content-->Although I intend to pick up CSS in full over the next few weeks I have a question. This will stop me pulling my hair out in the long run.<br />
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I have a list of movies that will be released up until 2005 and wish to add a month by month run down into my site, web address below. You will be able to view it after 10am GMT 19th June. At work so can't ftp it at present. Anyway it will look something like this in terms of navigation.<br />
<br />
2002:[Jan][Feb][Mar][Apr]... [Dec][2002 in brief]<br />
2003:[Jan][Feb][Mar][Apr]... [Dec][2003 in brief]<br />
2004:[Jan][Feb][Mar][Apr]... [Dec][2004 in brief]<br />
2005:[Jan][Feb][Mar][Apr]... [Dec][2005 in brief]<br />
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My problem is this: The colour of a link is determined by the body tag and I want to control the color of the link (each month) with out useing 52 <font color="blah"></font> tags.<br />
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So can a CSS control the color of a link in a single doc on four seperate occasions?<br />
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I.e. Somthing like this<br />
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<stlye what ever controls link color><br />
2002 jan feb mar etc<br />
</stlye><br />
<br />
<stlye what ever controls link color><br />
2003 jan feb mar etc<br />
</stlye><br />
<br />
<stlye what ever controls link color><br />
2004 jan feb mar etc<br />
</stlye><br />
<br />
<stlye what ever controls link color><br />
2005 jan feb mar etc<br />
</stlye><br />
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Thanks in advance again for any help.<!--content-->Yes you will need to use the class tag but more on that later for referance and great alround tutoials (i would swear by this place) <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3schools.com">www.w3schools.com</a><!-- w --> the part you are talking about is Pseudo-class that section of the tutorial deals with links and there different coloring etc<!--content-->I got that CSS down to a tee real quick. Thanks a bunch both of you. Have a look if you want. Not much there at the moment as I should sleep now, but by the end of the month the 4 year schedule should be complete. For movies anyway.<br />
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The Pseudo-class is what I used.<br />
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Thanks again.<!--content-->