CSS and Sound?


I am curious, is it possible to use CSS to assign a small sound when a link or button is pressed or rolled over.

Is this only possible with Flash?

Thanks a bunch in advance.As far as I can see on the W3C web site, there is nothing in CSS2.0 that allows you to do that, nor is there anything in the working drafts of the CSS 3.0 spec. Though that would be a nice feature.Oh, that's too bad.
Okay..thanks. :)Originally posted by Dark Dragon
I am curious, is it possible to use CSS to assign a small sound when a link or button is pressed or rolled over.You can't use pure CSS, but Stuart Langridge of Kryogenix.org came up with a very cool idea called JavaScript Event Sheets (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/jses/">http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/jses/</a><!-- m -->) that you may be interested in.Originally posted by Dark Dragon
Is this only possible with Flash? No. It's also possible with JavaScript, Java, VBScript, and possibly more technologies.Really? Thanks Fredmv..I will look into that.Theoretically ACSS was supposed to cover simple sound output though don't hold your breath for a mainstream browser that will support ACSS.