css and java


Staff member
hello..i have started a forum but the coding is in css which is not a problem in most parts but, I use java alot...just love java...i was wondering if there was a css code that could scroll text like java can.If there is....could i please have it?please....I believe this is more of a DHTML question. You are referring to Java apposed to JavaScript, right?no....i have a forum that i can only code in css
i usually code in java......
but i need a code in css...something like a java text scroller but in css.ok..a css text scrollerNo such thing in CSS, but you are in luck!

There is a very handy feature that you an take advantage of, it's called a "scroll bar".
You can have certain areas of your page scrolling by doing something like this:

<p style="overflow:auto;width:300px;height:100px;border:1px solid #000;">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris dictum erat ornare nibh.
*** sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam gravida lectus ut risus.
Sed mattis, erat a vehicula laoreet, quam mauris rutrum dui, quis mattis mi lectus sit amet lacus.
Nam condimentum orci non est. Aenean sed nunc. Aliquam quam orci, bibendum ac, mollis quis, pellentesque in, sem.
Integer neque felis, dignissim id, condimentum eu, lacinia sit amet, mi. Curabitur vel quam.
Fusce eget dui eget odio tincidunt hendrerit. Aenean diam ligula, tempor et, congue et, tempor eu, est.
Morbi quis sem ut lectus rutrum vulputate. Donec mattis velit eget felis.
This will create an area on your page that is a fixed size but allows users to scroll to see all of the content. It doesn't scroll automatically like I imagine that you want.no....i have a forum that i can only code in css
i usually code in java......
but i need a code in css...something like a java text scroller but in css.ok..a css text scroller

Like i said, it cant be done. CSS is not a programming language...

You cant 'code' in CSS, technically. If you can use CSS, then you can use JavaScript, DHTML, etc.

Andrew Buntine.Alot of message boards allow html and css but do not allow Javascript or VBscript, I think is what they're saying. Alot of DHTML is actually just old Javascript rolled in and there by not allowed.

Are you talking about something like a news scroller? You may want to look at the <marquee> tag for a nice Java script alternative. Its fairly robust with controls for dimensions, scroll direction(up,down,left,or right), scroll speed, and the like. I've even used it on various projects to make a page feel less static. Such as the header on Seattle Game Con (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.seattlegamecon.com">http://www.seattlegamecon.com</a><!-- m -->)cool.ill try that lavalamp.see what its like....thanks all for ur help :pOriginally posted by KarmaKills
You may want to look at the <marquee> tag for a nice Java script alternative. Its fairly robust with controls for dimensions, scroll direction(up,down,left,or right), scroll speed, and the like.I'm afraid it's not fairly robust, it's not standard markup and so only works in IE.

Apart from that, read this (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/WAI-WEBCONTENT/#gl-movement">http://www.w3.org/TR/WAI-WEBCONTENT/#gl-movement</a><!-- m -->).

Note. The BLINK and MARQUEE elements are not defined in any W3C HTML specification and should not be used.Let me rephrase 'its fairly robust'. It serves its purpose and is flexible enough for multiple aplications if used right.

As far it only working on IE. It was originally created in IE long ago, during the whole browser wars between IE and Netscape. Alot of proprietary code was created and alot of it has since found its way into HTML and DHTML. Some of it has not but browsers have picked up support. I have tested marquee under current versions of IE, Navigator, Mozilla, and Firefox without any problems. I have not tested under Opera or Mosiac honestly. But it only working under IE is certainly not true.A shrine to the <MARQUEE> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.goer.org/HTML/examples/htmlhorror1.html">http://www.goer.org/HTML/examples/htmlhorror1.html</a><!-- m -->) :DSorry, I was under the impression that it was IE only, maybe I just wished it was and that Moz hadn't been lowered to such a low standard of non-standard markup.

In any case I have to go and buy evan a G5, he is such a nice guy. :D