it's my first post. Finally I decided to join you all at stackoverflow!My problem is about an horizontal scrollbar which has to fit 100% to its container. In the following example you'll find everything you need to understand my problem. the question would be: why the code works fine in first case but when nested within a table cell (second case) then the scrollbar overflows its container? Why this happens and how could it be fixed?One could say: "just get rid of tables", but I need this code working in a big site which has some table layout. Getting rid of tables would represent for me hundred hours of work.Main difference between first (correct) and second scrollb (incorrect) is:First scroll (correct)\[code\]<div class="hscroll"> (images) </div>\[/code\]CSS code of the horizontal scroll:\[code\].hscroll { overflow-x:scroll; overflow-y:hidden; white-space:nowrap;}\[/code\]Second scroll (incorrect)\[code\]<table><tr><td> (same code as first scroll) </td></tr></table>\[/code\]I'll appreciate your wise suggestions very much.Gerard.