New Member
I am new to crystal report. At the time of binding the data from dataset to the crystal report showing twice or thrice.I am using SQL 2005 and VS 2008.i checked in SQL and dataset also at the time of debugging but in dataset only i am having 5 records but in my crystal its showing 10 records.Below is my Code:\[code\]ReportDocument doc = new ReportDocument();sda = new SqlDataAdapter(" SELECT ac_mstr.AC_DESC, TRAN_HDR.DOC_DT, TRAN_DTLS.GL_CODE, DBCR, AMT FROM dbo.TRAN_DTLS TRAN_DTLS INNER JOIN dbo.AC_MSTR ac_mstr ON (TRAN_DTLS.SUB_CODE=ac_mstr.SUB_CODE) AND (TRAN_DTLS.GL_CODE=ac_mstr.GL_CODE) INNER JOIN dbo.TRAN_HDR TRAN_HDR ON (TRAN_DTLS.TC=TRAN_HDR.TC) AND (TRAN_DTLS.DOC_NO=TRAN_HDR.DOC_NO) where'CAS' and tran_hdr.doc_dt between '2012/01/01' and '2012/12/30' ORDER BY TRAN_DTLS.GL_CODE", con); sda.Fill(ds); doc.Load(Server.MapPath("~/Reports/Acc_sum.rpt")); doc.SetDataSource(ds.Tables[0]); CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = doc;\[/code\]Can any one help Me?