Crystal Report with Multiple Tables - Empty or Cartesian Product


New Member
I know this has been asked before..sort of. And that's why I'm posting. Basically I'm building a report in Crystal that relies, to keep this simple, at least 3 tables.Table A is inner joined to table B by a unique ID. Table B has a child table that may or may not have data related to this unqiue ID.As a general example table A is a customer table, table B is a product table and the child table is contains the product number. All customers have a product, but not all customers have product number in the child table. I hope I've explained that simply enough.My issue is sort of between Crytal and Access and how to query this. When I'm writing behind something in VB it's easy enough to write and execute a query and display the result in the desired manner. However I can't seem to get my query straight... I either end up with a report with cartesian product as the resultset, which displays ok...except that even with the few records I have ends up being about 30k pages..or I end up with a blank dataset because the child table does not have corrisponding data to B.Using outter joins I've managed to get my results within some amount of reason but not acceptable to a real world report. I'm sure this issue has come up but I can't seem to find any suitable answers and to be honest I'm not even sure what questions to ask being a Crystal n00b.What I'm really after is the data from Table A, the data from Table B and children tables. While they are logically linked and can be linked with the ID field, it isn't necessary I don't think because I am taking a parameter value for the report of the ID field. And once the tables are filtered, no other action needs to be taken except to dump them back on the report.So can anybody point me in the right direction? Can I set up individual datasoruces (unrelated) based perhaps in a seperate section? Should I build a tree of queries and logic in my DB to get what I need out? I've been racking my brain and can't seem to find the right solution, any and all advice is apreciated and if I can clarify anything or answer any questions I will.Thanks in advance.