Can someone tell me if Crystal Report Enfine comes with a free .NET Framework (not VS .NET). I assume that this engine needs to be installed on the web server in order to run a Crystal Report.<BR><BR>ThanksYou can get FREE .Net FrameWork from<BR><BR>Please try the download. I do not know if the crystal report needs the .net framework to run. In .net the Crystal report 8.5 requires you to register with crystal report (Crystal descision) for the registration activation number.<BR><BR>But the Win98 Crystal report 8.5 CANNOT import a crystal report file from created in VS.Net. The Crystal report for win98 does not need the .net framework I think they have their own report generator engine for win98. Then Win98 Crystal report 8.5 requires the activation no. and the registration number for that specific machine or CPU something like that.