Crescent Shaped Menu


I am trying to implement a design for a web-site which is based around a crescent shaped navigation bar. This will be placed on the left of the pages<br />
with the inside of the crescent facing to the right as the user looks. The different page links will be placed on the crescent and so will not form<br />
a straight column. This precludes constructing the menu using a standard table - I have a number of ideas which i will discuss below - and if anyone<br />
could come up with a recommended/recognised way of doing this I would be most grateful!!!!! <br />
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1. Image hotspots - the crescent and each page title is one image, placed on the left of the page, with each title a hotspot to link to that page.<br />
This means there can be no rollover/interactive links (which I want to include), having one image is not very elegant and the pages will be<br />
unnecessarily large.<br />
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2. Crescent as background, links in an HTML table - allows rollover/interactive links but I don't trust the menu not to 'spread out' down the page to<br />
match the content of the pages (which will vary in size) and I don't know how to stop a <td> background image from repeating (the whole page itself is <br />
a table, with the menu a table within one of the outer table's cells).<br />
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3. Crescent and links as individual images - each link title and the section of the crescent it is above as an image in an HTML table - allows rollover<br />
links by changing the title format but not the crescent for each image, but again I'm not sure about the integrity of the rendering of the table and<br />
this would mean lots of images and therefore a large page size.<br />
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As a footnote, I'm doing the development work using Dreamweaver and the images/logos in Photoshop - any better stuff out there?<br />
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Thanks for all your help,<br />
Alex<!--content-->Check out <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> it's fairly customisable, accessible and doesn't use crappy inaccessibly tables for layout.<br />
You might be able to get the crescent shape you want.<!--content-->Are you looking to design something like Ordered List (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) does? It pretty simple. Use an unordered list, have each of the list items with a id, and then give each of the ids a different relative position.<!--content-->Real browser demo:<br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
You can do the same in subpar HTML renderer giving each item a class or ID as spifu suggested<!--content-->