creating XSLT from XML to convert into text file


New Member
I am new to XSLT. In one of my task I have to convert XML file into a text file with specific format. I am wondering is there a easy/quick way to get it done.My XML looks like below \[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><QTKTRes xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" creationDateTime="2013-03-19T15:40:58-05:00" transLanguage="EN" baseLanguage="EN" messageID="1363722058486545315" appVersion="5 1 20110725-1550" rsStart="0" rsCount="1" rsTotal="1"><TKTSet><TKT> <COST>0.0</COST> <HRS>0.0</HRS> <CHANGEDATE>2013-02-19T14:59:51-05:00</CHANGEDATE> <TKTID>101</TKTID><TKT><TKTSet></QTKTRes>\[/code\]`My Desired Output is needed as below :-\[code\]COST=0.0&HRS=0.0&CHANGEDATE=2013-02-19T14:59:51-05:00&TKTID=101\[/code\]Is there a tool I can make use of or I need to manually write XSLT stylesheet . I am new to this area. Your valuable answers are welcome.