New Member
I'm trying to create a layout that looks like a grid, but each box has a different width and height. The left side looks fine, but when I add content to the right side and increase their height (e.g., Title 5 or Title 9), the content on the left side ends up with a huge white space, specifically below Title 1 and Title 2. See the following jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/fYAR8/I can't figure out why it's happening, but I think it's related to the placement of \[code\]<div>\[/code\] tags as well as the \[code\]float: left\[/code\]. Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thank you.Edit: I just realized resizing the jsFiddle window changes the layout. Here's a screenshot of what I am trying to achieve minus the white spacing I mentioned: http://cl.ly/MOls