I have a form where I'm adding TextBox with a [+] button, the first textbox and button is created at runtime, so, the code to define the Click event of the button is (or should be) something like:\[code\]AddHandler button1.Click, AddressOf ButtonPlusClick\[/code\]No problem so far, but the problem is: I need 2 parameters in ButtonPlusClick(): panel ID where I'm going to add textbox, as the page has an extense list of controls and sequence number of last TextBox created, in order to not repeat ID's in the page.So here I get lost, all I've searched talks about delegates like:\[code\]Delegate Sub MySubDelegate(ByVal container As Panel, ByVal nseq As Integer)Dim msd As MySubDelegatemsd = AddressOf ButtonPlusClickmsd.invoke(Panel1, 3)\[/code\]But, hey, I'm not invoking now but defining the button1.Click event which must call a function that needs parameters, can you help me or point to some documentation?(the final result would be a list like, and all this is created by a Class's code):\[code\][TextBox] [+][TextBox] [+][TextBox] [+]\[/code\])