Creating Popup window maximized


how can i create a popup window using the javascript function that is maximized on popup? i know how to do the rest, turning all the stuff off, i just need to know how to make it maximized.<!--content-->try adding fullscreen=yes to the attributes, although im not sure if that will do it or not<br />
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edit: ok in the attributes do width="+ screen.availWidth +", height="+ screen.availHeight +", top=0, left=0<!--content-->hmm... this is the right code, right? now it isnt even opening a window.<br />
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<a href="#" onClick="'stuff.html', directories='no', menubar='no', resizeable='no', scrollbars='no', status='no', toolbar='no', width='+ screen.availWidth +', height='+ screen.availHeight +', top='0', left='0')">LINK TEXT</a><!--content-->no, all the attributes are surrounded by quotes so its like'http://', 'name', 'directories=no, menubar=no, etc')<!--content-->ah... but it still isnt working.<br />
<br />
<a href="#" onClick="'stuff.html','name', 'directories=no, menubar=no, resizeable=no, scrollbars=no, status=no, toolbar=no, width=+ screen.availWidth +, height=+ screen.availHeight +, top=0, left=0 fullscreen=yes')">LINK TEXT</a><br />
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right?<br />
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EDIT: ah, i got it. okay thanks<!--content-->use this code:<br />
<br />
<a href="stuff.html" onClick=",'name', 'directories=no, menubar=no, resizeable=no, scrollbars=no, status=no, toolbar=no, width='+ screen.availWidth +', height='+ screen.availHeight +', top=0, left=0'); return false">LINK TEXT</a><br />
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if i see another # for a popup i think im going to kill someone XD<!--content-->for some reason im still getting scrollbars.<br />
check it out at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> and click the enter button thingy.<!--content-->oops its scrollbar=no, and unless you want it to be totally full screen like that take out the fullscreen=yes<!--content-->if i take off "fullscreen=yes" then it isnt full screen, and i already had scrollbars=no.<!--content-->no its not scrollbars, its scrollbar=no, not scrollbars, scrollbar<!--content-->still doesnt work :(<!--content-->try taking out th fullscreen=yes, i think i seem to remember not being able to get rid of the scrollbar at full screen<!--content-->i cant, if i do, i dont achieve the effect i want. oh well.<br />
scrollbars can stay i guess.<!--content-->well in the html document you launch, you can declare<br />
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<style type="text/css"><br />
body { overflow: hidden; }<br />
</style><br />
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that should do it<!--content-->okay then, thanks.<!--content-->