New Member
I was wondering if anyone could give me ideas on how to do this:I have a webpage which uses Google Maps API V3, and markers on it whose information is stored in a MySQL database. What I need is that when the user clicks on a marker, a set of images (preferrably an Image Gallery) would pop up in a div section of html, depending on the marker the user clicked. I understand the concept of PHP being server-side and Javascript being Client-side, and that passing information must be done via POSTs / GETs. So far, I have managed to get the name and location specified in the marker infoWindow from the html section in question, where the gallery needs to load the images from an 'image' table, whose fields are Name (name in infoWindow), Location (location in infoWindow) and Image (image file name uploaded by the user). The Image databases is working and images are stored accordinglyCan anyone help me with this? Any help is appreciated! P.S. I know I might haven't explained myself very well. I'm happy to explain myself with code if it is needed.Thanks!