Creating facebook events via cron-job


New Member
I am trying to create facebook events via cron-job. The events should be created on behalf of users of my facebook-connect-site, who have granted offline-access. I have session_keys that do not expire, but can't get it to work! Creating events on behalf of my app works like a charm, is just not what I want...\[code\]var_dump($event) with some randomly generated data:'name' => string 'Try a athirst these and' (length=23)'tagline' => string 'as it that he down the almost the' (length=33)'description' => string 'that deeper but is sea whenever lead all a stream knowing robust bakehouses attending have am it pent for own quick' (length=115)'category' => int 5'subcategory' => int 52'location' => string 'same as more the' (length=16)'start_time' => int 1263630600'end_time' => int 1263654000'street' => string 'This Was Ships My 807' (length=21)'phone' => string '49 692 324' (length=10)'email' => string '[email protected]' (length=15)'privacy_type' => string 'OPEN' (length=4)<?php$facebook = new Fb(FACEBOOK_API_KEY, FACEBOOK_API_SECRET);// Set session key (that has been returned after offline-access has been granted)$facebook->api_client->session_key = '5de03e54cb359f9asf3435365e-4588985454';$eid = $facebook->api_client->events_create(json_encode($event));?>\[/code\]Results in: "exception 'FacebookRestClientException' with message 'Invalid parameter'"Is anyone out there able to save my day?