Creating "archives?"


Last question! Thanks for all of your help btw. I have a table within my DB called content which stores articles by published date etc.. I would like to create a simple script that archives the content by month. Any ideas?<br /><br />I am guessing I will need to create a select * statement to run it...<br /><br />Thanks in advance.<!--content-->
Do you mean you want to backup ( archive ) the database every month ? <br /><br />Or do you mean you want to extract and achive just a months worth of the database ? <br /><br />Or do you mean you want to select just content from a specific month to display ? <br /><br /><!--content-->
Sounds like you are writing a blogging or similar CMS. Just curious as to why, as there are many packages available that does this already? Unless it's for programming experience.<br /><br />Yes, you will have to create a query select * and use the WHERE to extract what ever month you want to display.<!--content-->