Creating an Unicode XML from scratch with Python 3K


New Member
So basically, I want to generate an XML with elements generated from data in a python dictionary, where what will come to be tags are the dictionary's keys, and the text the dictionary's values. I have no need to give attributes to the items, and my desired output would look something like this:\[code\]<AllItems> <Item> <some_tag> Hello World </some_tag> ... <another_tag /> </Item> <Item> ... </Item> ...</AllItems>\[/code\]I have tried using the xml.etree.ElementTree package, by creating a tree, setting an Element "AllItems" as the root like so:\[code\]from xml.etree import ElementTree as etdef dict_to_elem(dictionary): item = et.Element('Item') for key in dictionary: field = et.Element(key.replace(' ','')) field.text = dictionary[key] item.append(field) return itemnewtree = et.ElementTree()root = et.Element('AllItems')newtree._setroot(newroot)root.append(dict_to_elem( {'some_tag':'Hello World', ...} )# Lather, rinse, repeat this append step as neededwith open( filename , 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: tree.write(file, encoding='unicode')\[/code\]In the last two lines, I have tried omitting the encoding in the open() statement, omitting and changing to 'UTF-8' the encoding in the write() method, and I either get an error that "') is type str is not serializable, or it will run correctly but will not be readable in Excel, due to "invalid characters" in the document which I cannot identify and aren't even necessarily non-ASCII characters.So my problem - All I want to know is how should I be going about creating a UTF-8 XML from scratch with the format above, and is there a more robust solution using another package, that will properly allow me to handle UTF-8 characters? I'm not married to ElementTree for a solution, but I would prefer not to have to create a schema. Thanks in advance for any advice/solutions!