Creating a shopping cart using HTML


Hi,<br />
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I need to create a shopping cart using HTML only for my website but I am not sure were to start?<br />
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Does any of you guys know of any good links or guides I could use for creating a cart, or maybe you already know how to create one and could give me some tips, <br />
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many thanks<!--content-->the simple answer is you cant. A shopping cart cannot be made with html. You need to use of a server side language. ASP PHP CGI ASP.NET JSP CF etc. They can all do it. They use scripts that you write and the server reads them and dynamically creates html for the client, the viewer to read with their browser. They store data inside of data bases. I suggest acually learning a language and buying a book. Do you know which of the ones I mentioned above your server supports?<!--content-->Im not sure, the site has to be uploaded to my university server?<!--content-->of cource. A server side language needs to run on a server, it cannot run from your home computer, unless of cource you have your home computer running as a server :p like me. What does your universities server support? Does it have a faq? If you can you might need to consider some hosting, maybe payed, just depends on which road you decide to take. Tell me, do you have any programming experience, and if so what language?<!--content-->