I'm working on a CRUD site with a lot of very similar forms for adding new data. In other words:AddMovie.aspx, AddGame.aspx, AddBeer.aspx, AddAdd.aspxI keep thinking to myself, "Self, it would be really nice to have a single Add.aspx instead of re-writing so many similar pages - plus all those OOP nerds would think I'm cool since I'm re-using instead of copy/pasting!"So assuming I'm on the right track, if I were to go with the single Add.aspx page, how could I represent all sets of fields for each object? I thought about a bunch of panels or divs that I could hide/show, but not sure I really like that solution. Is there a better way to do it or should I just give up and go back to the multiple bad ol' Add*Object*.aspx pages?Also, this is a plain ol' (3.5) web forms app. No ASP.NET MVC goodness for this one, sadly. It seems like there should be such a trivial solution and that I'm just over-thinking things, but I can't come up with one and so I turn to Stack Overflow.