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I'm trying to convert form values into XML.The whole script worked fine in Chrome etc, but IE8 had to ruin it, of course. I first had to change my code because IE was throwing errors on the append function (apparently I had created HTML elements instead of XML elements. So now I think it's all XML and IE is not whining anymore. However, when I'm trying to convert the XML to a string, both Chrome and IE return undefined (chrome actually shows a blank line in the console.What am I doing wrong?\[code\] function xmlToString(xmlData) { var xmlString; //IE if (window.ActiveXObject){ xmlString = xmlData.xml; } // code for Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, etc. else{ xmlString = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(xmlData); } return xmlString;} function saveValues(thisB,formName){ var xpath = $(thisB).attr("xpath"); var returnToServer = $(thisB).attr("returnToServer"); var version = $(thisB).attr("version"); var now= Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000) var $root = $($.parseXML("<XMLDocument />").getElementsByTagName('*')[0]); var $valuesEl = $($.parseXML('<saveValues xpath="'+xpath+'" returnToServer="'+returnToServer+'" version="'+version+'"></saveValues>').getElementsByTagName('*')[0]); $("input").each(function(){ var name = $(this).attr("name"); if(name != 'xmlToPost'+formName && name != 'saveValuesButton'){ if( $(this).attr("type") == 'text' || (($(this).attr("type") == 'checkbox' || $(this).attr("type") == 'radio') && $(this).is(":checked"))){ $valueEl = $($.parseXML('<value datetime="'+now+'" version="'+version+'" name="'+name+'"></value>').getElementsByTagName('*')[0]); $valuesEl.append($valueEl); } } }); $root.append($valuesEl); var valuesXML = xmlToString($root); var postToXMLContent = $("#xmlToPost"+formName).val(); valuesXML = valuesXML.replace(/savevalues/gi,"saveValues"); valuesXML = valuesXML.replace("returntoserver","returnToServer"); // of code }\[/code\]When I log the $root object, Chrome gives me a big object that starts with \[code\][<xmldocument>, context: <xmldocument>]\[/code\], which I can expand to find childnodes, that contains saveValues etc. IE just shows \[code\][object Object]\[/code\].