Create subject for an email message?


Hi<br />
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At the moment, I have this code as an email link to put the subject into an email message:<br />
<br />
<a class="email" href="mailto: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->?subject=Training%20Request"><br />
<br />
This will put my email address and a subject in but I would also like to add text into the body of the email message, so that the process is more or less automatic for the user.<br />
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Can anyone advise me how to put text into the body of an email.<br />
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Thanks a lot!<!--content-->just apend to the exisiting string<br />
&body=whatever you havein body will go here"<!--content-->Kind of obvious - when you know how!!<br />
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One last question, I would like to put new lines in (it's about 3 lines of text I want to put in), how do I get a new line in?<br />
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I've tried \n (a guess!) but no luck. I should probably have had this in my first post, it didn't really occur to me till I put your advice into practise!!<br />
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Thanks in advance!<!--content-->put %0d and it should create a non breaking space<!--content-->Thanks a million, it's working like a charm now!!<!--content-->