Create Insert query with null value in SQL Server

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I create insert query for \[code\]Organization\[/code\] table.\[code\]select 'Insert into Organizations(Name, IndustryId, ContactPerson, Email, Website, LocationId, ContactNumber, Mobilenumber) values(''' + IsNull(Nameofthecompany, 'NULL') + ''',' + Isnull(IndustryType, 'NULL') + ',''' + Isnull(Nameofthepersonresponsibleforrecruitment, 'NULL') + ''', ''' + Isnull(EmailId, 'NULL') + ''', ''' + Isnull(websiteaddress, 'NULL') + ''',' + Isnull(Location, 'NULL') + ',' + Isnull(PhoneNumber, 'NULL') + ',' + Isnull(MobileNumber, 'NULL') + ')' from Organization\[/code\]Here I have the result set\[code\]Insert into Organizations(Name, IndustryId, ContactPerson, Email, Website, LocationId, ContactNumber, Mobilenumber)values('Swamy', Telcom, 'Mr.Jestin', 'NULL', 'NULL', Chennai, NULL, 9791192416)\[/code\]I don't want the NULL value within quotes. If I remove the quotes means I get error. Please Help me find out the problem..