\[quote\] I have a seperate XMl files for each table where i have defined my database model for each table using xml elements below, i would like to transform them into a visual model where i can show Database relationship . i am thinking of using XSLT to do this but i am pretty new to that, is that even possible to create like an html doc that shows relationship diagram. i have around 50 xml file for 50 tables. i want one diagram that shows all this tables relation into single html file. Is there a better way to do this other than using XSLT? and if you have done this before do you have any snippet ? this is what i am expecting to have at the end http://www.databasejournal.com/img/2010/10/rg-cardinality-image009.jpg\[/quote\]\[code\]<model><entity name="Person" tableName="Person" > <fields> <field index="0" name="Peron_ID" propertyName="PersonID" isProperty="true" type="int" dbtype="SqlDbType.Int" isPrimaryKey="true" isReadOnly="false" /> <field index="1" name="Name_first" propertyName="FirstName" isProperty="true" type="string" dbtype="SqlDbType.Char" isPrimaryKey="false" isReadOnly="false" /> <field index="2" name="DOB" propertyName="DateOfBirth" isProperty="true" type="DateTime" dbtype="SqlDbType.Timestamp" isPrimaryKey="false" isReadOnly="false" /> <field index="2" name="CompanyId" propertyName="CompanyId" isProperty="false" type="int" dbtype="SqlDbType.Int" isPrimaryKey="true" isReadOnly="false" /> <field index="3" . . ...</fields> <parent type="Company"/> <relations> <relation name="Company" type="Company" relationType="BelongsTo" <sync primaryKeyField="CompanyId" foreignKeyField="CompanyId" /> </relation> <relation name="Departemnt" type="Departemnt" relationType="OneToOne" <sync primaryKeyField="PerssonId" foreignKeyField="PerssonId" /> </relation> </relation> <relation name="Task" type="Task" relationType="HasMany" <sync primaryKeyField="PerssonId" foreignKeyField="PerssonId" /> </relation> </relations> </entity></model>\[/code\]