Create Content Using Another Website's XML


New Member

I think this is possible, but would like confirmation.

[1] companyABC drives its website based on XML file(s) that neatly tags everything from textual data to paths to photos to generate a webpage on its website.

[2] companyABC gives you access to the the same XML file(s), and as the paths of photos are on companyABC's webserver and you have access to them, you create a link to those XML file(s) and dynamically create your own web content based on that.

[3] companyABC programs their website to draw on the XML file(s). The creation of the XML file(s) is actually driven by companyABC's in-house application, which its marketing people, admin users, clerk...whoever..updates to create the XML content.

[4] In the end, both companies reap identical web content sourced from the same XML file(s). When companyABC's XML file change, so does yours and its own website.

Does all that make sense?

Do any of the points mentioned pose a challenge?

Any advice and guidance on this scenario would be very much appreciated.
